Solid Waste Transfer Stations
In order to ensure that the transportation of solid wastes is economical and not to overload the traffic on the transportation line, solid waste transfer stations are established in the central parts of the cities. At these stations, solid wastes collected with small-volume vehicles are transferred to larger-volume vehicles and transported to processing or storage areas with these vehicles. They are facilities built for the purpose of regular storage of solid wastes in order to ensure their disposal without harming the environment.

As PUSULA SU YAPILARI DENETÄ°M HÄ°ZMETLERÄ° A.Åž.,as A SOLID WASTE TRANSFER In the construction and construction of its STATIONS, we provide services with an environmentally sensitive and reliable service approach we are giving..

Storage Facility:
In the regulation on the regular storage of waste; It is the name given to the areas where the wastes are temporarily stored for recycling, pre-treatment or disposal in the facility where the wastes are generated, underground and above ground, where they are disposed of according to certain technical standards. Regular storage of solid wastes in landfills; By insulating the base with clay and/or artificial impermeable material, the resulting leachate is removed from the site in a controlled manner. In addition, the upper surface impermeability of the field and environmental drainage are made to prevent rain water from entering the field. In this way, the increase in the amount of leachate is prevented.

PUSULA SU YAPILARI DENETÄ°M HÄ°ZMETLERÄ° A.Åž. as A SOLID WASTE TRANSFER In the construction and construction of its STATIONS, we provide services with an environmentally sensitive and reliable service approach we are giving...